Hive Hacks: Flying with Little Bees

Feb 16th 2024

Hive Hacks: Flying with Little Bees

Traveling with babies and young children can be a daunting task, especially when it involves air travel. The mere thought of navigating airports, managing tantrums in the air, and ensuring the comfort of your little ones in a crowded plane can be overwhelming. However, fear not! With careful planning, strategic preparation, and patience, flying with babies and young children can be an enjoyable and stress-free experience for your entire hive.

Preparing for the Takeoff

Before you even step foot in the airport, there are several steps you can take to ensure a smooth journey. First and foremost, choose the right flight time that aligns with your child's sleep schedule or when they are typically at their happiest. Additionally, familiarize yourself with airline policies and regulations regarding traveling with infants and young children. This includes understanding baggage allowances, seating arrangements, and any special accommodations that may be available.

Airport Hive Hacks

Arriving at the airport well in advance of your flight is essential when traveling with little ones. This allows ample time to navigate security checkpoints, check-in procedures, and any unexpected delays that may arise. Take advantage of airport amenities designed for families, such as designated family security lanes, nursing rooms, and play areas to help keep your little ones entertained before boarding.

Onboard Strategies

Once onboard the plane, seating arrangements are crucial for ensuring a comfortable and stress-free flight, especially if you plan to use a car seat for your child. Many airlines allow the use of FAA-approved car seats onboard aircraft, which can provide added safety and comfort for your little one during the flight. Be sure to check with your airline in advance to confirm their specific policies and guidelines regarding the use of car seats. Consider booking seats in advance that offer extra legroom or are located near the front of the aircraft for easier access to restrooms and amenities. Pack a well-stocked diaper bag with essentials such as diapers, wipes, snacks, and comfort items to keep your child content during the flight. Create a plan for managing ear discomfort during takeoff and landing, such as offering a pacifier or bottle for infants or encouraging older children to chew gum or swallow to equalize pressure.

Engaging Young Flyers

Keeping young children entertained during a flight can be challenging, but with the right activities and distractions, it's entirely manageable. Pack age-appropriate toys, games, books, and electronic devices to keep your child occupied during the journey. Consider engaging them in interactive games or stories to pass the time and make the flight more enjoyable for everyone onboard.

Dealing with Potential Challenges

Despite your best efforts, unexpected challenges may arise during the flight, such as tantrums, meltdowns, or unexpected delays. Stay calm, and be prepared to address these challenges with patience and understanding. Remember that children feed off your energy, so maintaining a positive attitude can go a long way in diffusing tense situations and keeping everyone calm and collected.

Arrival and Post-Flight

Upon arrival at your destination, reclaiming luggage and navigating the airport with children in tow can be a breeze with a little bit of planning. Consider using luggage carts or strollers to transport tired little ones and belongings through the airport efficiently. Once you've reached your final destination, take some time to decompress and transition to your new surroundings smoothly.


Flying with babies and young kids may seem like a daunting task, but by following these hive hacks you can navigate air travel with confidence and create lasting memories with your little ones that you all will cherish for years to come. So, pack your bags, buckle up, and get ready for a smooth and stress-free journey with your little bees!